Monday, April 25, 2016



Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari klausa; Dependent clausa diawali dengan if dan Main clause

Types of conditional sentence:

A. Future possible condition (Type-1)
    Conditional sentence type-1 ini mengambarkan suatu yang dapat terjadi jika syaratnya terpenuhi.

1. If Amir studies hard, she will past the examination.
2. If You read the book, you will know the content of it.
3. If She is rich, she will go round the world.

If  clause
Main clause
If Amir studies hard,
she will pas the examination.
There is posibilty that Amir passes the examination. 
If You read the book,
you will know the content of it.
There is possibility that you knows the content of the book.
If She is rich,
she will go abroad.
There is possibility that he goes abroad

Sentence pattern:
If  clause
Main clause
If  + Subject + Simple present,
Subject + will + Simple Verb

A. Rewrite the sentences into the right sentence by changing the words in the bracket if necesarry.
1. If he (find) the wallet, he (give) you.
2. If she (need) your help, she (help) you.
3. If they (come) to my house, they (happy).
4. If Nina (call him), she (speak) to her.
5. If Dendi (wash) his motorcycle, it (clean).
6. Mr. Rahmad (buy) a car. If she (have) much money.
7. We (sad), If our friend (not) come.
8. The servant (open) the door, if   you (ring) the bell.
9. Yuni (cry) if she (sad).
10. The teacher (anggry), if the students ( not do) their homework.

Translate into Englih.
1. Saya akan menggunjungi nenek saya jika dia sakit.
2. Irna akan membeli laptop, jika dia mempunya uang banyak.
3. Mereka akan mengecat tembok itu jika temboknya kotor.
4. Kami akan datang ke ulang tahun Ani jika dia mengundang kamu.
5. You akan makan jika kamu lapar.
6. Jika dia menyapu lantai itu, Lantai itu akan tidak kotor.
7. Jika Bambang mempunyai mobil baru, dia akan pergi ke Papua.
8. Jika Rini menggambar pohon, dia akan menggunakan pensil.
9. Jika Rahmad bermain sepak bola, dia akan menang.
10. Jika Anita mencintai Muji, Muji akan mencintai Anita juga.

B. Present Unreal condition (Type-2)
    Conditional sentence type-2 ini mengambarkan suatu keajadian/kegiatan/keadaan yang bertentangan dengan kenyataan pada saat ini.

1. If Amir studied hard now, she would pass the examination.
2. If You read the book, you would know the content of it.
3. If She were rich now, she would go round the world.

If  clause
Main clause
If Amir studied hard.
she would pass the examination.
The fact that Amir doesn’t study hard, so, she doesn’t pass the examination
You had much money
you would buy a new car.
It means that you don’t have much money, so, you don’t buy a new car.
If She were rich now,
she would go abroad.

It means that she is not rich now, so, she doesn’t  go abroad.

Sentence pattern:
If  clause
Main clause
If  + Subject + Simple past,
Subject + would + Simple Verb

A. Rewrite the sentences into the right sentence by changing the words in the bracket if necesarry.
1. If he (find) the wallet, he (give) you.
2. If she (need) your help, she (help) you.
3. If they (come) to my house, they (happy).
4. If Nina (call him), she (speak) to her.
5. If Dendi (wash) his motorcycle, it (clean).
6. Mr. Rahmad (buy) a car. If she (have) much money.
7. We (sad), If our friend (not) come.
8. The servant (open) the door, if   you (ring) the bell.
9. Yuni (cry) if she (sad).
10. The teacher (anggry), if the students ( not do) their homework.

B. Translate into Englih. (Type-2)
1. Saya akan menggunjungi nenek saya jika dia sakit.
2. Irna akan membeli laptop, jika dia mempunya uang banyak.
3. Mereka akan mengecat tembok itu jika temboknya kotor.
4. Kami akan datang ke ulang tahun Ani jika dia mengundang kamu.
5. You akan makan jika kamu lapar.
6. Jika dia menyapu lantai itu, Lantai itu akan tidak kotor.
7. Jika Bambang mempunyai mobil baru, dia akan pergi ke Papua.
8. Jika Rini menggambar pohon, dia akan menggunakan pensil.
9. Jika Rahmad bermain sepak bola, dia akan menang.
10. Jika Anita mencintai Muji, Muji akan mencintai Anita juga.

C. Find the fact of the conditional sentences (Sentence - exercise 1)  

C. Past Unreal condition (Type-3)
    Conditional sentence type-3 ini mengambarkan suatu keajadian/kegiatan/keadaan yang bertentangan dengan kenyataan pada waktu lampau.

1. If Amir had studied hard last year, she would have passed the examination.
2. If You had read the book, you would have known the content of it.
3. If She had been rich , she would have gone abroad.

If  clause
Main clause
If Amir had  studied hard,
she would have passed the examination.
The fact that Amir didn’t study hard, so, she didn’t pass the examination
You had had much money,
you would have bought new car.
It means that you didn’t have much money, so, you didn’t buy a new car.
If She had been rich five years ago,
she would have gone abroad.

It means that she was not rich five years ago, so, she didn’t  go abroad.

Sentence pattern:
If  clause
Main clause
If  + Subject + Past perfect past,
Subject + would have + Verb-3

A. Rewrite the sentences into the right sentence by changing the words in the bracket if necesarry.
1. If he (find) the wallet, he (give) you.
2. If she (need) your help, she (help) you.
3. If they (come) to my house, they (happy).
4. If Nina (call him), she (speak) to her.
5. If Dendi (wash) his motorcycle, it (clean).
6. Mr. Rahmad (buy) a car. If she (have) much money.
7. We (sad), If our friend (not) come.
8. The servant (open) the door, if   you (ring) the bell.
9. Yuni (cry) if she (sad).
10. The teacher (anggry), if the students ( not do) their homework.

B. Translate into Englih. (Type-3)
1. Saya akan menggunjungi nenek saya jika dia sakit.
2. Irna akan membeli laptop, jika dia mempunya uang banyak.
3. Mereka akan mengecat tembok itu jika temboknya kotor.
4. Kami akan datang ke ulang tahun Ani jika dia mengundang kamu.
5. You akan makan jika kamu lapar.
6. Jika dia menyapu lantai itu, Lantai itu akan tidak kotor.
7. Jika Bambang mempunyai mobil baru, dia akan pergi ke Papua.
8. Jika Rini menggambar pohon, dia akan menggunakan pensil.
9. Jika Rahmad bermain sepak bola, dia akan menang.
10. Jika Anita mencintai Muji, Muji akan mencintai Anita juga.

C. Find the fact of the conditional sentences (Sentence - exercise 1)  

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