Monday, April 25, 2016

Contoh NEWS Bahasa Inggris

Passed Level Olympic City , 5 Delegation SMAN 3 Metro , Advance to the Provincial Level

Last month, precisely on March 22, 2016, has been implemented province-level Science Olympiad at SMA Al - Kauthsar, Bandar Lampung. 5 high school students 3 Metro State, which managed to escape at the district level, were sent to the provincial level to follow the event the Science Olympiad according their respective fields. Of biology, physics, computers, geography and geosciences.

To deal with the provincial-level Science Olympiad, the previous five delegation National High School 3 Metro sent to Bandung to follow the guidance of the Olympic ALC in order to establish and spur motivation of the participants to the fullest.

“To prepare for the Science Olympiad at the provincial level , we sent five students who had escaped at the municipal level , to Bandung to follow the guidance of ALC “, said Mrs. Siti Suwarni as the Coordinator of the Olympics .

In terms of preparation of the participants, five delegations National High School 3 Metro, ready material and mental. Each of the participants had the same specific target that `pass to nasional` level. As Merli (delegates physics), in an interview, “For me, i looking for the tasks from previous year. as we know, in senior high school 3 metro lack of information, and also lack of reference . so i trying to find information, and learn the tasks from the previous year. For special target, i want to reach the highest ratings. But, for now, it’s okay if i’m not win in province-level Science Olympiad. Because I’ve been trying. “

In contrast to the Fadilah Umar , as delegates from the fields of Earth , which is very optimistic to qualify at the provincial stage, “ Specific target for me is achieving the highest grade in the Olympics the Provincial level in order to continue the National level.”

Once completed the provincial level Science Olympiad, the participant wait for the results winners who qualify for the national stage. With a strong mental readiness, to 5 participants were ready to accept the results, both won or lost. “

Nama Kelompok:

§ Arnelia Indah Cahyani

§Deni Prihanto

§ Diah Antika Putri

§ Novia Nur Ema Aulia

Kelas : XI. A1

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